I’m so vanilla!

I know we are so vanilla compared to where so many of you are!

I am blogging for two reasons. 1. So I have a journal of sorts. I want to be able to go back and read our/my progression. 2. I really do love feedback and advice. I may not be where someone else is and I may not agree with all someone has to say. But I do desire to learn a new way, a new world.

I would like to add a #3 once I learn. #3 would be that I can contribute thoughts and advice that’s helpful as well.

I don’t write poetically, or with style. Most likely I never will. Bare with me. As I grow I hope to give those who wish to follow, something helpful and more interesting to read.

2 thoughts on “I’m so vanilla!

  1. I feel exactly the same as you about my own blog! I like to read about how others do things, even if it’s not my flavor. It’s nice to pick out bits and pieces of advice or ideas from other people. I also use my writing here as a sort of therapy. I get a lot of release when I’m able to journal my thoughts and it’s always fun to come back and see the progress you’ve made later on. I wish you luck in your journey and I have enjoyed your writing 🙂


    1. Thank you!
      I feel the same when I read others blogs. It has also been nice to copy and paste a few things from peoples blogs and send along to my dear hubby 😉 Give him some things to chew on!!
      As time moves on, I’m sure it will become easier. I feel like a newbie awkwardly wobbling around as I’m trying to walk! lol


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